Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala

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The Effects Induced by the Recent Economic Crisis on the Labour Market Policies in Romania

The Effects Induced by the Recent Economic Crisis on the Labour Market Policies in Romania


Cristian INCALTARAU, Liviu-George MAHA

Cod: ISSN: 1583-3410 (print), ISSN: 1584-5397 (electronic)
Dimensiuni: pp. 44-66

How to cite this article:

Incaltarau, C., Maha, L.G. (2014). The Effects Induced by the Recent Economic Crisis on the Labour Market Policies in Romania. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 47, 44-66.


The recent financial crisis has reanimated the old dispute between economic efficiency and social solidarity upholders. On the one hand, the contraction of economic activity has reduced government revenues. On the other hand, the redundant population has increased, emphasizing the vulnerability of population and putting additional pressure on social policies expenditure. If the spending on labour market policies was showing a downward trend during the pre-crisis period, it has suddenly increased during the crisis, focusing mainly on passive policies consisting in financial assistance. These kind of policies do not have the strength to solve the problems the Romanian labour market is facing for many years now and that have currently been enlarged by the recent crisis, but only to keep them latent and preventing them to feed up social pressure. Therefore, this paper aims to outline a broader view on Romanian labour market, on the problems it’s facing, on the effects induced by the recent crisis, in order to offer some recommendations for the policies addressing these problems.


economic crisis, labour market policy, activity rate, unemployment, informal economy.

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