The migration effect s in the family area
Gabriela Irimescu
Adrian Lupu
Lumen, 2006
Cod CED: 1584-5397-15(05)
Dimensiuni pp. 49-74, Revista de cercetare si interventie sociala, vol.15/2006
In Romania, after 1990 the social changes as well as the market economy transition have determined new social factors, some of which with influence on the life quality entering the sphere of social protection. It s a well known fact that for a part of the population living in poverty, under the decent level of need satisfaction, the life quality is constantly decreasing. The poverty, from a normal social functioning perspective includes inexistence of those means ensuring for the subject a complete participation to the social life, a complete fulfillment of all attributed roles, participation to minimum training activities that offer the chances to self development. The economic analysts have noticed the fact that half of the poor population in Romania are not amongst the social excluded (unemployed, chronically ill persons, persons with disabilities) or semi-excluded (retired persons); they are people with stable jobs but so poorly paid that they cannot cover basic life needs.
Studiul Home Alone realizat in zona Iasi si efectuat asupra copiilor separati de unul sau ambii parinti prin plecarea acestora la munca in strainatate propune un profil al familiei in care plecarea parintilor la munca in strainatate apare cu cea mai mare frecventa, identifica factorii favorizati in luarea acestei decizii, modul in care copilul / copiii percep plecare parintilor la munca in strainatate, efectele migratiei externe asupra mediului familial, si a copilului ramas acasa, in mod particular si propune noi solutii in rezolvarea si prevenirea cazurilor de protectie sociala a copiilor ai caror parinti sunt plecati la munca in strainatate.
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