Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala

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Measuring Green Brand Equity in Relationship Interactions and its Impact on Brand Loyalty

Measuring Green Brand Equity in Relationship Interactions and its Impact on Brand Loyalty


Gen LI, Juan LI, Xixiang SUN

Cod: ISSN: 1583-3410 (print), ISSN: 1584-5397 (electronic)
Dimensiuni: pp. 279-297

How to cite this article:

Li, G., Li, J., & Sun, X. (2019). Measuring Green Brand Equity in Relationship Interactions and its Impact on Brand Loyalty. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 66, 278-297. DOI: 10.33788/rcis.66.16


This manuscript attempts to define the dimensions of green brand equity from the perspective of relationship interactions and explores their impacts on brand loyalty. Through a literature review and questionnaire-based research, this paper employs structural equation modeling to test the proposed model in a case study (green flooring products). The results indicate that interaction-based green brand equity is comprised of five aspects of green brands: image, reciprocity, attachment, trust, and satisfaction. The findings demonstrate that interaction-based green brand equity has a significant influence on brand loyalty. This study strengthens the understanding of interaction-based green brand equity, and also provides a perspective for interactive communication between green brands and consumers.


interaction relationship, interaction-based green brand equity, green brand, measurement dimension, brand loyalty, social media, social development.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.33788/rcis.66.16

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