An Empirical Study of Green Marketing on Perceived Value based on Brand Image in Smart Health Care Industry
Jianqing LI
Cod: ISSN: 1583-3410 (print), ISSN: 1584-5397 (electronic)
Dimensiuni: pp. 149-161
How to cite this article:Li, J. (2021). An Empirical Study of Green Marketing on Perceived Value based on Brand Image in Smart Health Care Industry. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 72, 149-161, DOI: 10.33788/rcis.72.10
Along with emerging international ideological trend of environmental protection, governments in the world also make green regulations. Nevertheless, the promotion of environmental protection should be started from the source prevention. Domestic government therefore positively counsel and encourage enterprises to become green enterprises. Along with the satisfaction with consumer needs, enterprises provide high-quality, environment-friendly, safe & healthy products. In addition, it becomes the indicators for the sustainable management of modern enterprises to promote products and environmental awareness through effective green marketing. Aiming at consumers of smart health care industry in Fujian Province, total 420 copies of questionnaire are distributed, and 325 valid copies are retrieved, with the retrieval rate 77%. The research results are summarized as below. Since smart health care industry would consume a lot of energy and wastes in consumers’ consumption or health care process, environmental protection should be taken into account in the operation management in smart health care industry. Promoting the environmental philosophy of smart health care industry with green marketing could match consumers’ environmental concept to enhance the brand image of smart health care industry. Green service in smart health care industry adds the green appeal in the original products and service, and the product and service quality would not be reduced for saving resources; the essence and differentiation of products and service therefore become the factors in consumers’ choices and perceived value. Smart health care industry, on the other hand could enhance the advantage of products and service for environmental and social appeal. According to the results, suggestions are proposed, expecting to help domestic smart health care industry practice green marketing, lead the public emphasis on environmental protection, enhance smart health care industry, and shape the brand image to maintain the competitiveness of domestic smart health care industry and achieve the goal of sustainable management.
smart health care industry, green marketing, brand image, perceived value, education, social development.
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