Effects of Teaching Games for Understanding Integrated Sport Education Model on College Students’ Football Cognitive Performance and Motor Skills
Zhen-Rong JIA
Cod: ISSN: 1583-3410 (print), ISSN: 1584-5397 (electronic)
Dimensiuni: pp. 274-287
How to cite this article:Jia, Z.R., (2021). Effects of Teaching Games for Understanding Integrated Sport Education Model on College Students’ Football Cognitive Performance and Motor Skills. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 72, 274-287, DOI: 10.33788/rcis.72.17 |
Football is internationally popular. It does not -need particularly tall and large figures for playing football that it is extremely suitable for the figure of oriental people. For this reason, football is suitable for being promoted domestically. In the football teaching in PE curricula, it is discovered that most students are lack of interests in football. The effect of Teaching Method of Physical Education is an important issue concerned by physical education related people. PE workers should absorb innovative thinking and concepts with multiple methods to match the time trend, and teachers should understand the complementary relationship among teaching methods. Applying experimental design to the quasi-experimental study, 224 students at a university in Hainan Province are selected as the experimental research subjects for the 16-week (3 hours per week for total 48 hours) experimental teaching study. An experimental class (112 students) is taught with Teaching Games for Understanding integrated sport education model, and the control class (112 students) remains general traditional instruction. Suggestions are proposed according to the results, expecting to help students’ adaptive development and allow students acquiring sense of achievement through inspiration, creation, fun, and gamification teaching methods to enjoy learning fun and achieve the idea of learning with fun in football education.
Teaching Games for Understanding, sport education model, football education, cognitive performance, motor skills, social interaction, social skills.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.33788/rcis.72.17
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