Creating growth and development in a coaching relation using appreciative inquiry and solution focused approach
Gry Espedal
Lumen, 2008
Cod 1584-5397-20-3
Dimensiuni pp. 36-41
How to cite this article:Espedal, G. (2008). Creating growth and development in a coaching relation using appreciative inquiry and solution focused approach. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 20, 36-41. |
Coaching is a new trend which helps coachee and organizations obtain good results by focusing on solutions. In this article you will learn it is possible to use the four D-s in Appreciative inquiry in the coaching process. The four D-s are: Discovery, Dream, Design and Delivery. As human beings we have a tendency to search for problems and their causes or origins. However, the more time we spend on what does not work/function and also trying to find adequate explanations as to the reasons why it does not work, the less is the chance to find satisfactory solutions. Using appreciative inquiry and solution focused approach it is possible in a future-oriented way to find coaches dreams, help them design and deliver.
Appreciative Inquiry, coaching, organizational change, model of growth, stages of change, traditional coaching.
Gry Espedal is from Sandvika, Norway; he is consultant for Agenda Utredning & Utvikling Norway, working with different approaches as Appreciative Inquiry, Solution Focused Therapy (LOFT) and Positive Change, in doing organisational development and management training. Has written the book: Losningfokusert coaching (Oslo, Gyldendal 2006). Adress fro work: Agenda Utredning og Utviking, Malmrksiverveien 35a, 1302 Sandvika, Norway, e-mail:
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