Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala

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Appreciative Inquiry - changing perspectives in our perception of organisations (5)

Appreciative Inquiry - changing perspectives in our perception of organisations


Jo Topfer


Lumen, 2008

Cod 1584-5397-20-5
Dimensiuni pp. 49-58

How to cite this article:

Topfer, J. (2008). Appreciative Inquiry - changing perspectives in our perception of organisations.  Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 20, 49-58.


In the workplace, we normally focus on solving problems and difficulties. In doing so, we often employ terminology which is also associated with dissent and conflict. We talk about struggles with something or against someone, of fronts and coalitions. What if, however, we focused our concentration completely on the positive experiences and moments of inspiration through which we live each day? Appreciative Inquiry (AI) offers us the opportunity to see our work and organisations in a positive light for once.


Appreciative Inquiry, intervention, organizational change, positive change, appreciative approach, facilitator, case study.

Jo Topfer is a social pedagogue and consultant for organisational transformation. He works as a freelance consultant in Germany, Europe and worldwide. He is especially trained and experienced in large-group intervention methods, non-profit and public management. He regularly works in Eastern Europe and is a member of the East-West Management Institute and co-founder of BOSCOP (Berlin Open Space Cooperative). Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Further reading Books
Cooperrider, D.L., Whitney, D., 1999, Appreciative Inquiry, Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc.
Cooperrider, D.L., Sorensen, P.F., Yaeger, T., Whitney, D., 2001, Appreciative Inquiry: an Emerging Direction for Organization Development, Stipes Publisher Co.
Srivastva, S., Cooperrider, D.L., 1999, Appreciative Management Leadership: the Power of Positive Thought and Action in Organization, Williams Custom Publishing.
Cooperrider, D.L., Whitney, D., Stavros, J., 2002, Appreciative Inquiry Handbook: a workbook Approach to Organization Development and Change, Lakeshore Communications.
Ludema, J.D., Whitney, D., Mohr, B.J., 2003, The Appreciative Inquiry Summit: a Practitioner’s Guide for Leading Large-Group Change, Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc. San Francisco. 
Fry, R.E., 2001, Appreciative Inquiry and Organizational Transformation: Reports from the Field, Quorum Books.
Hammond, S., 1998, The Thinbook of Appreciative Inquiry, Thin Book Publishers Company.
Hammond, S., 2001, Lessons from the Field: applying Appreciative Inquiry, Thin Book Publishing Company.
Holman, P., Devane, T., 2007, The Change Handbook. Group Methods for Shaping the Future, 2nd edition, Berrett Koehler Publishers, Inc. San Fransisco.

Journal entries
OD Practitioner vol. 32/no. 1/2000 Appreciative Inquiry Special Issue, Contributions from David Cooperrider, Diana Whitney, Jane Watkins, Thomas Head, Bernard Mohr, Elizabeth Smith, Bob Golembieski and Robert Head.
Appreciative Inquiry: Aus Erfolgen lernen (Learning from success), Carole Maleh, ManagerSeminare Vol. 44/2000.
Appreciative Inquiry, Bestehende Potentziale freilegen und für die Organisation nutzbar machen (Unearthing existing potential and making it accessible for organisations).
Das Feuer für den Wandel entfachen: Appreciative Inquiry (Fanning the Flames of Change), Walter Bruck, Trainer Kontakt-Brief Nr. 30/2000.
Wertschätzendes Erkunden – Appreciative Inquiry, Konrad Elsässer, Agogik 2/1999. Appreciative Inquiry, Friedrich Glasl, Trigon Thema 3/1999.

AI in the Internet
http://ai.cwru.edu, This is a good starting point for discovering the world of AI in the internet. Countless links, recommended reading, case studies, video films and a mailing list. There is also a substantial historical outline of the origin of the approach.
www.appreciative-inquiry.org, Articles, quotes and links relating to the topic.
www.taosinstitute.net, The TAOS Institute counts as one of the “heavyweights” in Appreciative Inquiry. One of the discoverers of the approach, David Cooperrider, works there.
www.aradford.co.uk, The British practitioner Anne Radford has made available an “AI Resource Centre” here with articles, event announcements, links, an e-Shop and a newsletter.
www.aiconculting.org, A network of professional AI practitioners mainly from North America use this site to present their courses and client references.
www.appreciative-inquiry.de, Walter Bruck presents here a multitude of resources and links relating to appreciative Organisation Development – in German.

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