The labour market and the social approach of unemployment
Lavinia Elisabeta Popp (Eftimie Murgu” University from Resita, Romania)
Dimensiuni: pp. 115-123
How to cite this article:Popp, L.E. (2010). The labour market and the social approach of unemployment. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 28, 115-123. |
The economic and social development is fundamental for the existence of the human factor, who occupies the most important place in the set of production factors, being, beside nature, an “origin" factor. The existence and progress of society is assured if the interaction of the two terms - population and economy – met certain quality and dimensional characteristics, one of them referring to the degree of use of the labour fore.The reorganization of the Romanian socio-economical system, in conformity with the market economy demands generated inmost changes in the labor market including the unemployment occurrence as a mass phenomenon. The unemployment, negative phenomenon of the socio-economical space and main factor of economical instability and social conflicts as a consequence, is neither uncontrollable nor has a unique way of development if adequate correlated measures are promoted by acting competently. One of the essential objectives of the socio-economical policies in Romania is a place of work guaranteed and a decent level of living.
Legislative harmonisation, the labour market, social policies, the unemployment.
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