Modern media innovation in electoral campaigns
Claudiu COMAN
Cod: ISSN: 1583-3410 (print), ISSN: 1584-5397 (electronic)
Dimensiuni: 45-53
How to cite this article:Coman, C. (2010). Modern media innovation in electoral campaigns. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 31, 45-53. |
GIn the last years we can observe the appearance of a common pattern of
different types of innovation in the election campaigns, but also the existence of
an accelerated rhythm of engendering in all types of democracies. This pattern
has different appearances or adopts local forms being formed by several elements
that are associated with the concept of media (focused democracy). Television has
a strategic role in the election campaign because it is the main source of news and
entertainment, being also capable of aiming at the public that is not interested
directly in the political life. Television news and electoral programs (“shows”) are
considered universally essential for the success of the candidates and of the
political parties. The development of the communicational methods, especially
TV, had decisively transformed the public sphere.
electoral campaigns; media focused democracy; media innovations; political advertising; Americanization.
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