Multilevel Analysis of Infant Mortality in Romania
Ana-Maria BURLEA
Cod: ISSN: 1583-3410 (print), ISSN: 1584-5397 (electronic)
Dimensiuni: pp. 100-116
How to cite this article:Burlea, A.M. (2012). Multilevel Analysis of Infant Mortality in Romania. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 39, 100-116 |
Appraise infant mortality evolution at different territorial scales, identify
disparities in terms of trend evolution and explore the contribution of some socioeconomic
factors (educational attainment, unemployment rate and ethnicity) in
the existing regional differences of infant mortality levels. As the aim of our study
is to identify geographic disparities based on different spatial tendencies in infant
mortality evolution, trend analysis was the most suited method. Cluster analysis
was used to organize data into meaningful structures and allowed the identification
of relatively homogenous groups of counties and municipalities. With the help of
GIS techniques we have created cartographic material for a better visualization of
the results. Linear regression was used to analyze the contribution of some
socioeconomic factors on regional differences in infant mortality level. The results
have demonstrated that, although the general downward trend is characteristic for
infant mortality evolution in Romania, important variations between different
geographic areas and between different social classes remain. Determined by the
level of analysis, the results will vary. The model that summarizes the combined
influence of all variables on infant mortality at national level explained 25% of
the infant mortality variability and only 7% at district level. Of all independent
variables, percentage of population with no education was the only indicator
identified as having a significant influence on infant mortality. Multilevel analysis
of infant mortality can give to scientists a better perspective and a better understanding
of its relations with socioeconomic and biological determinants.
infant mortality; trends; socioeconomic factors; dissimilarities; Romania.
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