Multi-Paradigmaticity, Scattered Cumulativity, Multi-Localized Ignorance: The Tumultuous Condition of Sociological Knowledge
Mihai Stelian RUSU
Cod: ISSN: 1583-3410 (print), ISSN: 1584-5397 (electronic)
Dimensiuni: pp. 187-203
How to cite this article:Rusu, M.S. (2012). Multi-Paradigmaticity, Scattered Cumulativity, Multi-Localized Ignorance: The Tumultuous Condition of Sociological Knowledge. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 39, 187-203 |
One of the few objects on which there is still a quasi-unanimous intra-disciplinary
consensus is the multi-paradigmatic condition of sociology. Beyond the acceptance
of this fact, the consensus dissolves into general controversy over the
positive or negative consequences of the multi-paradigmatic character of sociology.
This paper analyzes the effects that meta-theoretical pluralism has had on
the corpus of knowledge administrated by the sociological community, arguing
that the effects of multi-paradigmaticity are negative for the most part, since they
produce: a) cyclical progress, b) scattered cumulativity, and c) multi-localized
ignorance, each of these being in turn accompanied by its own cortege of negative
consequences. The analysis ends with the conclusion that, although both qualitatively
and quantitatively inferior compared to that of the natural sciences, the
cumulativity specific to sociological knowledge is not at all illusory. However,
due to its familiarity and proximity to the common sense, the knowledge developed
inside the sociological field of intellectual production is the victim of the
“conceptual cryptomnesia effect,” by which the scientific origin of the sociological
conceptions is forgotten along with their absorption into the lexicon of
vernacular language.
theoretical progress; scattered cumulativity; multi-paradigmaticity; scientific ignorance; sociological theory; conceptual cryptomnesia; meta-theory.
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