Capacity of Phare and structural funds absorption: pre-accession versus post-accession
Corina Cace (Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest)
Sorin Cace (Quality of Life Research (ICCV), Romanian Academy )
Cristina Iova (Ministry of Labour, Family and Equal Opportunities)
Victor Nicolaescu (University of Bucharest, Regional Drug Prevention, Evaluation and Counselling Center 1 Bucharest)
Lumen, 2010
Dimensiuni: pp. 78-96
How to cite this article:Cace, C., Cace, S., Iova, C., Nicolaescu, V. (2010). Capacity of Phare and structural funds absorption: pre-accession versus post-accession. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 28, 78-96. |
The capacity of structural funds absorption is a priority for the member states of the European Union which accessed the EU in 2004 and 2007, but slowing rates of the absorption capacity of these funds were noticed in comparison to the absorption rates of pre-accession funds. Within the context of “pre-accession versus post-accession” analysis, we present the gradual flexibilization of the process of EU funds absorption, the transfer of responsibilities for funds management towards the member states, as well as the differences between the two financing instruments used by the European Union function of different coordinates. The accession of the new member states from Central and Eastern Europe testimonies for the efficient ways of conditioning the aid for modernization offered to these countries, creating a reference framework whose coordination by proactive measures should continue during the post-accession period too. The success of the positive conditionality during the pre-accession period should be preserved by focusing on endogenous aspects specific to the assumption of responsibility for structural funds absorption by every new member state.
Absorption capacity, positive conditionality, structural funds, European funds, new member states .
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