Probleme ale deviantei sexuale juvenile: copiii si tinerii care manifesta un comportament sexual infractional
Elena Iulia Darie
Lumen, 2006
Cod CED: 1584-5397-12(08)
Dimensiuni pp. 90-117
Sexual offences are the ones nominally sexual and the ones with sexual intention or component. The definition excludes the persons suspected of committing an offence and the persons that show a sexual behavior socially undesirable or deviated, but not precisely offencing. The youthful sexual offenders are the ones criminally sentenced for a sexual offence, considered to have discrimination for this kind of sentence, but not having the age for being criminally investigated and punished like adults. The researches underline the need of understanding the offencing sexual behaviour in the context of early life experiences and family experiences, and also in the context of some power relationships or authority between the aggressor and his victim. The article resumes current dates concerning the sexual offences committed by adults, comparing them with the few knowledge about the youthful sexual offenders (similarities and differences). We conclude with suggestions for possible strategies of evaluation and treatment.
Comentarii: Infractiunile sexuale sunt cele nominal sexuale si cele cu intentie sau componenta sexuala. Definitia exclude persoanele suspectate de comiterea unei infractiuni si cele care manifesta un comportament sexual indezirabil social sau deviant, dar nu infractional. Infractorii sexuali juvenili sunt cei condamnati penal pentru o infractiune sexuala, considerati ca avand discernamant pentru a raspunde penal dar neavand varsta pentru a fi cercetati si sanctionati penal ca adulti. Cercetarile subliniaza nevoia de a intelege comportamentul sexual infractional in contextul experientelor timpurii de viata si familiale, precum si in contextul unor relatii de putere, autoritate etc. intre agresor si victima sa. Articolul rezuma date curente in ceea ce priveste infractiunile sexuale comise de adulti, comparandu-le cu putinele cunostinte despre infractorii sexuali juvenili (similaritati si diferente). Concluziona m cu sugestii pentru posibile strategii de evaluare si tratament.
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