Elemente de evaluare a familiei
Daniela Cojocaru
Lumen, 2006
Cod CED: 1584-5397-12(09)
Dimensiuni pp. 118-126
The data offered by European Commission through the eurobarometer from 1994 (considered International Year of Family) demonstrated that 96 per cent of the European population identify the family living as the most important aspect of their life; in view of the centrality of family lives and the adhesion that Europeans prove for family, this article reviews several conceptual and analytical aspects of the assessment of family functioning. Also, the article presents some distinctions between different forms of family and other forms of human experience.
Comentarii: Datele furnizate de Comisia Europeana in urma eurobarometrului din anul 1994 (declarat Anul International al Familiei) arata ca 96% din populatia europeana considera ca cel mai important aspect al vietii lor este viata de familie; date fiind importanta atribuita acestui subiect de majoritatea europenilor, pentru care familia este esentiala, daca nu primordiala, si adeziunea lor la imaginea familiei, sub toate formele sale, acest articol trece in revista cateva aspecto conceptuale si analitice ale evaluarii functionalitatii familiei, precum si elementele de distingere
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