Communication between the Legislator and Society: The Case of Medicine and Healthcare in Romania
Gheorghe Gh. BALAN, Dana Elena MITRICA, Mihnea IACOB,
Adriana BALAN, Irina ZETU
Cod: ISSN: 1583-3410 (print), ISSN: 1584-5397 (electronic)
Dimensiuni: pp. 229-238
How to cite this article:Balan, G.G., Mitrica, D.E., Iacob, M, Balan, A., Zetu, I. (2015). Communication between the Legislator and Society: The Case of Medicine and Healthcare in Romania. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 49, 229-238. |
Medical legislation has a profound social character and social applicability.
Therefore, good quality communication is of utmost importance in what the
relationship between the legislator and society is concerned. This study aims at
reflecting upon the communication features regarding the relationship between
the medical legislator and the society, in the Romanian legal system. Medical
laws are dependent on health communication and rely on social justice and
jurisprudence. There are certain aspects that affect both the sender and the receiver
but also the message in health communication. Nevertheless the study advances a
series of solutions that hopefully can improve the communicating status between
the given parties and thus contributing to the quality of medical law.
communication, public health, delivery of health care, health law, society.
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