Institutional Repertoires. A Methodological Reassessment of Interviews in the Study of Professional Discourses
Cosmin TOTH
Cod: ISSN: 1583-3410 (print), ISSN: 1584-5397 (electronic)
Dimensiuni: pp. 168-181
How to cite this article:Toth, C. (2016). Institutional Repertoires. A Methodological Reassessment of Interviews in the Study of Professional Discourses. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 54, 168-181. |
The article puts forward a reassessment of the methodology employed in the
interpretation of discourses elicited through the sociological interview technique,
starting by examining the often taken for granted causal relationship between
meaning and action. I start from discursive psychology theory and from some of
the neo-institutionalism theories, arguing that there is no necessary link between
people’s actions and a mental universe defined as stable and coherent. Interviews
are often analysed in order to reconstruct coherent mental universes from the
responses of the participants. As an alternative methodological stance, I formulate
the hypothesis that interview statements might be seen as activated repertoires
previously acquired in various interactional arenas in which the individual takes
part. These discourses provide justifications and explanations, which, through
reiteration, become consolidated as institutional discursive repertoires. I support
this hypothesis with empirical evidence from a research based on double round
interviews with twelve school counsellors from Bucharest. The first round focused
on the professional theories of school counsellors, while the second one was
centred on the ways in which they have dealt with difficult cases. The comparative
analysis of discourses from the first and second rounds reveals a loose coupling
between the theories and the actual actions of counsellors. I argue that the observed
loose coupling is the result of employing different institutional repertoires in
order to respond to the discursive challenges posed by the interviewer.
loose coupling, institutional repertoires, discourse analysis, discursive psychology, sociological interview.
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