Societal Progress Indicators and Co-Responsibility for All a Possible Answer to Sustainable Social and Economic Development during the Global Pandemic
Elena Simona TOMOZII, Lei HUANG
Cod: ISSN: 1583-3410 (print), ISSN: 1584-5397 (electronic)
Dimensiuni: pp. 122-136
How to cite this article:Tomozii, E.S., Huang, L. (2022). Societal Progress Indicators and Co-Responsibility for All a Possible Answer to Sustainable Social and Economic Development during the Global Pandemic. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 76, 122-136, DOI: 10.33788/rcis.76.9 |
The aim of this paper is to introduce a pertinent management model for municipalities and relevant groups to support the local communities in dealing with social and economic issues, or as in our case, with the effects of the global pandemic, while promoting sustainable development, through corporate social co-responsibility and efficient allocation and reallocation of resources. SPIRAL Methodology was used to implement exploratory research using the focus group as main research method and ESPOIR software for the statistical analysis. 2275 answers were collected from 198 citizens in Brasov Municipality. The citizens’ answers positively correlate with the social and economic situation, dominated by the effects of the Great Recession. Mostly, well-being through their eyes is related to the working place, purchasing power, education and mental and physical health. Secondly citizens focus on improving their lives and contributing to the society. Lastly, they pay attention to the personal equilibrium. SPIRAL represents a useful tool in supporting governments and local stake holders to identify the pain points, find solutions and locally available resources while, sharing responsibility and successfully overcoming the negative impact of the global pandemic over the economy and society. When comparing the effects SPRIAL methodology had in the communities where it was applied, with the current situation around the world and with the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, we contribute to enriching the management knowledge by providing a comprehensive tool that promotes sustainable development, measures wellbeing and nurtures cooperation and social innovation.
sustainable development, global pandemic, SPRIAL Methodology, wellbeing, co-responsibility, great recession, Local Action Groups, local communities, social innovations.
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