Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala

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The influence of assitive technology on the life quality of persons with severe motor disabilities (5)

The influence of assitive technology on the life quality of persons with severe motor disabilities


Andreia Schindler


Lumen, 2007

Cod ISSN: 1584-5397-18-5
Dimensiuni pp. 59-64, Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, Vol. 18/2007


Many children with severe motor disabilities who are unable to speak or have unintelligible speech have reduced educational and social opportunities and „are treated as deaf, as having low intelligence, or are ignored completely” (Stewart
and Wilcock, 2000, p.141). Because, as Bodine and Beukerman (1991) affirm, it is less likely for these children to develop or improve their speech in the future and may have difficulty communicating with people in their environment (McDonnell,
Hardman, and McDonnell, 2003) assistive technology has been developed to foster their academic success and independence (Bryant, Bryant, and Raskind 1998). The purpose of this article is, by reviewing some of the studies that have been done in this area, to support the idea that assistive technology can improve the life quality of persons with severe motor disabilities.


Physical and health disabilities, severe motor disabilities, assistive technology, educational and social opportunities, academic success and independence