Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala

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Volumul: 24/2009/Martie

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# Article Title Hits
1 Dynamic of gender violence and trafficking of women in Mexico: a study on Monterrey City 11812
2 Situatia tinerelor din Romania practicante ale sexului comercial [The status of female sex workers in Romania] 12843
3 Child rights based analzsis of children without parental care or at risk of losing parental care in Romania 11367
4 Representations of the local resources as a factor of Community Development in Romania and Republica Moldova 11245
5 Speranta de viata, calitatea vietii si potentialul de reabilitare la pacientii amputati [Life expectation, quality of life and rehabilitation potential of amputee's patients] 11923
6 Perspective epistemice si axiologice in supervizarea apreciativa [Epistemic and axiological perspectives in appreciative supervision] 12009
7 Physician's attitude towards end-stage heart failure patient - clinical and bioethical considerations 11561
8 L'observation au service de l'evaluation de la parentalite [Observation in parenting assessment tool] 11294
9 Supervizarea ca factor al schimbarii interventiei sociale [Supervision as change factor of social intervention] 12233
10 Supervizarea: domeniu nou in asistenta sociala din Romania [Supervision: new domain of social work in Romania] 14195