Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala

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Impact of organization of organization development interventions on human capital: a case study of Thailand Appreciative Inquiry Network

Impact of organization of organization development interventions on human capital: a case study of Thailand Appreciative Inquiry Network





Cod: ISSN: 1583-3410 (print), ISSN: 1584-5397 (electronic)
Dimensiuni: pp. 25-43

How to cite this article:

Rattanaphan, P. (2010). Impact of organization of organization development interventions on human capital: a case study of Thailand Appreciative Inquiry Network. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 29, 25-43.


Thailand Appreciative Inquiry Network (AI Thailand) has been established on 2007. AI Thailand aims to spread Appreciative Inquiry throughout Thailand. At the beginning, AI Thailand had 32 founding members. These 32 founding mem- bers were from diverse background, education and ages. One of the most challenging problems AI Thailand faced at that time was: AI Thailand members lacked of Human Capital in Appreciative Inquiry. If this problem was not properly addressed in a timely manner, AI Thailand would vanish. To address this challenge, the Researcher employed Action Research for eight cycles during eight months in order to develop AI Thailand members’ Human Capital. Organization Development Interventions implemented included: Appreciative Inquiry, Appreciative Coaching and Knowledge Management. For impacts of Organization Development, Participants’ Human Capital was developed. Human Capital consisted of 17 AI Champions, 12 AI Masters and 3 Apprentices. Participants were able to create impacts upon their organizations at diverse degree.


Action Research; Organization Development; Appreciative Inquiry; Appreciative Coaching and Human Capital.

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