Assessment of generative strategies in self-support groups in people affected by the Colombian armed political conflict
Jeimmy Aleider OROZCO-CELIS,
Cod:ISSN: 1583-3410 (print), ISSN: 1584-5397 (electronic)
Dimensiuni: pp. 44-56
How to cite this article:Higuera-Pedraza, N.J., Orozco-Celis, J.A., Molina-Valencia, N. (2010). Assessment of generative strategies in self-support groups in people affected by the Colombian armed political conflict. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 29, 44-56. |
The paper presents a research applied from an appreciative approach that aimed to assess the use of generative strategies in self-support groups in a
population affected by the armed political conflict in Colombia. The generative approach intends to build a notion of desirable and possible future, by means of dialogic strategies. These dialogues strengthen community ties, show new action strategies and stimulate metaphors in relation to violent affectation amid the conflict. The research sample was formed by 11 people divided into two groups, residents in the city of Bucaramanga, Colombia. The advantaged actions inside the self-support groups were the identification of the discursive links among the participants, the clarification of the thematic nodes among them, the selection of metaphors and the transformation of narratives. The results point out that the intervention generated the observation and identification of resources, action planning, search of new experiences, reflexivity, and recognition of the novelty to transform conflict affectation. It is concluded that through self-support groups, people transform the meaning of their experience by sharing stories and action resources for the future, which verifies the purposes of the generative approach. The psychologist was a facilitator of the process amid the relevance of languageas a means of transformation. It was also concluded that through self-support groups emerges the truth of a conflict through public practices by telling the stories of affectation.
Generative approach; Self-support Group; Language; Colombia; Narrative.
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