The NGOs, social constructors in the domain of occupying the labor force. The case of „Ruhama” Foundation
Floare CHIPEA,
Claudia OSVAT
Cod:ISSN: 1583-3410 (print), ISSN: 1584-5397 (electronic)
Dimensiuni: pp 92-108
How to cite this article:Chipea, F., Stefanescu, F., Bodogai, S., Osvat, C. (2010). The NGOs, social constructors in the domain of occupying the labor force. The case of „Ruhama” Foundation. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 29, 92-108. |
Among the Romanian NGOs, the case of the ‘Ruhama’ Foundation is a success story. Research undertaken by us captures the main determinants of its success: the quality of the human resources, the strategic management performance and determination (motivation) of the members of the organization. All those have generated complex strategies designed to change the attitudes, the values and even the organizational structure. The diversification of the organization activity, initially focused exclusively on social problems of vulnerable groups, led to a preventive approach to vulnerability respectively of the economic coordinates that allow the identification of the social inclusion and the preventing exclusion. This gave rise to the center “Careers” which offers programs of self-knowledge and career guidance, professional training or retraining correlated with the existing labor market needs, and also the desires and the possibilities and potential beneficiaries of these courses. Our research, conducted in several stages and using various research methods and tools in the context of appreciative inquiry (questionnaires, individual interviews and focus group interviews type), decrypts the process by which the organization is discovered and rediscovers itself, with its potential, values, and desires, based on the opportunities related to the environment in which it operates and it constructs on this basis a new architecture not only to maintain itself on the market, but even to turn it in a social actor, a genuine partner of bodies empowered to ensure social welfare and a promoter of best practice models.
NGOs; Social constructors; Appreciative inquiry; Employment; Intraorganizational values; Social architecture.
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