Parental Education as Health Protection Factor in Vulnerable Childhood and Adolescence
Cruz MOLINA, Crescencia PASTOR, Verónica VIOLANT
Cod: ISSN: 1583-3410 (print), ISSN: 1584-5397 (electronic)
Dimensiuni: pp. 38- 55
How to cite this article:Molina, C., Pastor, C., Violant, V. (2011). Needs Analysis for a Parental Guidance Program for Biological Family: Spain’s Current Situation. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 34, 38-55 |
Family education is considered a protection factor with regards to the healthy development of children, especially in social risk situations. In this paper we present the results related to the family’s role in the healthy development of their children, from two works that stress on two moments of special difficulty for
families, as the birth of a child and the adolescence. They are part of the strategic lines on sexual and reproductive health of the Autonomous Government of Catalonia (Spain), and of the Spanish State. Such works try to explore the families’ guidance needs to outline a program on parenthood education and, to analyse the needs of teenagers in vulnerable situation in relation to sexual and reproductive
health to develop a strategic action plan. A research-action methodology wasapplied with focal groups with 56 professionals and 13 families in the first work, and 48 professionals and community workers with 72 teenagers in the second group. The results show that the families feel insecurity and anxiety before the birth of a child, especially, in relation to how to look after him/her or for family pressure. The teenagers demand a better communication with their parents in sexual health issues; and the professionals suggest the development of family guidance programs, especially in risk situations.
Sexual and reproductive health; health protection factor; healthy development; health education; parental education; vulnerable childhood and adolescence.
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