Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala

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Relationship Between The Art of Wayang Kulit and Disney’s Twelve Principles of Animation

Relationship Between The Art of Wayang Kulit and Disney’s Twelve Principles of Animation


Dahlan Abdul GHANI, Sidin Bin Ahmad ISHAK

Cod: ISSN: 1583-3410 (print), ISSN: 1584-5397 (electronic)
Dimensiuni: pp. 162-179

How to cite this article:

Ghani, D.A Ishak, S.B.A. (2012). Relationship Between The Art of Wayang Kulit and Disney’s Twelve Principles of Animation. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 37, 144-161.


Disney’s 12 principles of animation are a standard guide used in both traditional and modern animation around the world. Some researchers believe that wayang kulit or shadow play puppetry is the first known example of animation in history. This paper will explore the fundamentals of Disney’s 12 principles of animation that exist in wayang kulit. The main assertion of this paper is that Disney’s 12 principles were inspired by wayang kulit as it is practiced in Southeast Asia. Focus will be placed on elements of wayang kulit including puppet design and movement as well as narrative. These elements will then be compared to Disney’s 12 animation principles with the insertion of related works. Lastly, the principles that already existed in wayang kulit prior to the actual conception of animation as defined by Walt Disney himself will be examined. It is hoped that this paper will be able to verify the inspiration that Disney’s 12 principles of animation gained from the aesthetics of shadow play puppetry.


Disney’s, 12 principles; Wayang Kulit; shadow play; animation; puppet; movement; performing arts.

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