Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala

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Despre dezvoltarea serviciilor de asistenta sociala integrate in mediul rural (10)

Despre dezvoltarea serviciilor de asistenta sociala integrate in mediul rural


Sorin Brasoveanu


Lumen, 2006

Cod CED: 1584-5397-12(10)
Dimensiuni pp. 127-134


In the present, the social intervention, the types of existing social services and the access to them of the possible beneficiaries represent a real problem in the rural environment, especially in what concerns the family's and child's protection system, in comparison with the urban environment. The diversity and the big amount of factors that leaded to the appearance and development of these social problems have a social economical, social, familial, social professional, educational and sanitary character, but also indirect factors that belong to the level of the development of social services, the inter institutional collaboration and the professional level of the employees in these services. The under financing of social services in the rural environment contributes at the manifestation of some deficiencies in what concerns the offer of services to the disfavoured persons, and the lack of interest for the prevention programs sharpens the social problems already existent and create chain social cases.
Comentarii: In prezent, interventia sociala, tipurile de servicii sociale existente si accesul la aceste servicii a eventualilor beneficiari reprezinta o reala problema in mediul rural, mai ales in ceea ce priveste sistemul de protectie al familiei si copilului, in comparatie cu mediul urban. Diversitatea si multitudinea factorilor care au dus la aparitia si amplificarea acelor probleme sociale sunt de natura socio-economica, socio-familiala, socio-profesionala, educationala, sanitara, dar si factori indirecti ce tin de nivelul profesional al angajatilor din aceste servicii. Subfinantarea serviciilor sociale in mediul rural contribuie si ea la manifestarea unor disfunctii in ceea ce priveste oferirea de servicii catre persoanele defavorizate, iar lipsa de interes pentru programe de preventie acutizeaza problemele sociale deja existente si creeaza cazuri sociale in lant.