Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala

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A Study on the Correlation between Working Pressure and Job Satisfaction from the Viewpoint of Work Exhaustion

A Study on the Correlation between Working Pressure and Job Satisfaction from the Viewpoint of Work Exhaustion


Kai-Ping HUANG, Karen Yuan WANG

Cod: ISSN: 1583-3410 (print), ISSN: 1584-5397 (electronic)
Dimensiuni: pp. 235-245

How to cite this article:

Huang, K.P., Wang, K.Y. (2019). A Study on the Correlation between Working Pressure and Job Satisfaction from the Viewpoint of Work Exhaustion. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 64, 235-245. DOI: https://doi.org/10.33788/rcis.64.19


Under the rapid industrialization, the country has become a major high-tech industry in Asia. Being an important industry in domestic strategic development, high-tech industry attracts a lot of manpower. During the depression after the financial crisis, organizations’ adoption of layoffs and unpaid leave to increase work or transfer positions induced employees’ worries. There was news about hi-tech millionaires dying young of overwork in past years. Working pressure therefore became the major problem emphasized by human resource managers. Stress management related issues have been discussed academically or practically in recent years. Aiming at high-tech employees of Hsinchu Science Park in Taiwan, 500 copies of questionnaire are distributed and 387 valid copies are retrieved, with the retrieval rate 77%. The research results reveal 1.positive relations between working pressure and work exhaustion, 2.negative relations between work exhaustion and job satisfaction, and 3.negative relations between working pressureandjob satisfaction. According to the results, suggestions are proposed, expecting to assist high-tech industry in improving employees’working pressure to largely benefit employee health and industrial yield.


work exhaustion, working pressure, job satisfaction, high-tech industry, crisis, working environment.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.33788/rcis.64.19

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