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Conducere si dezvoltare strategica institutionala (5)

Conducere si dezvoltare strategica institutionala


Petronela Livita Pracsiu


Lumen, 2007

Cod CED: 1584-5397-17(5)
Dimensiuni pp: 79-89, Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, Vol. 17/2007


Like people, the organizations have their own destiny, anf searching and meeting the destiny makes the difference between a successful and an unsuccessful organization. The managers are the ones who bear a special responsability towards this mission and are able to fulfill it by means of a profound understanding of the past, a mature approach of the present and by realizing an ample picture of the future. One of the most frequent requirements, for a leaders position is vision, which might mean a variety of things: thinking on short and long term; enframing one s own system in a larger context; the capacity of designing a possible future implying changes and transfer of people; or being able to discern, in the chaos and confusion of the present, the elements determinant for the future of the organization. 


Strategic planning, effcciency, strategic management, organizational decision