Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala

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Tooth Brushing Behavior in 6-11 Year Olds Children and the Importance of a Break of Tooth Brush Once a Day in School

Tooth Brushing Behavior in 6-11 Year Olds Children and the Importance of a Break of Tooth Brush Once a Day in School


Anamaria BICA, Angela Codruta PODARIU, Cristian Dan KREMS, Alexandra Sabina PODARIU, Ramona Amina POPOVICI

Cod: ISSN: 1583-3410 (print), ISSN: 1584-5397 (electronic)
Dimensiuni: pp. 115-124

How to cite this article:

Bica, A., Podariu, A.C., Krems, C.D., Podariu, A.S., Popovici, R.A. (2016). Tooth Brushing Behavior in 6-11 Year Olds Children and the Importance of a Break of Tooth Brush Once a Day in School. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 54, 115-124.


Literature on dental health behavior is consistently developed and mainly based on data from adults. There are also researches realized on children’s dental health behavior, but they are less frequent and realized just in a little number of countries. Therefore our aim is to identify if introducing the tooth brush in primary school once a day influence the oral hygiene. In order to achieve our purpose we designed our research using quantitative approach, conducting specialized social survey before and after the 4 month intervention on three primary schools from Timisoara. The research sample was constructed from 6-11 years old children coming from different but not representative schools from Timisoara area. The sample was done by 783 selected children representing the entire population of children from the 3 schools, respecting age selection criterion and the informed consent agreed and signed by parents. Frequency of tooth brush was significantly changed in good (p=0.000, Person’s r value= 0.763) after the 4 month brushing tooth at school with the teacher, we noticed also a changing behavior about oral hygiene, 83.4% of the children brushing teeth at least two times a day.


children health behavior, oral health, oral health education, oral hygiene, self-care, tooth-brush.

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