Mobilitate vs migratie. Aspecte teoretice
Nicoleta TUFAN
Lumen, 2007
Cod 1584-5397-19-6
Dimensiuni pp. 99-114, Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, Vol. 19/2007
Research in the field of migration is not something new. It has attracted the attention of scholars from various fields of research (demography , geography ,economy, sociology), each scholar tackling a different perspective, developing schemes and theories that set out to explain the mechanism of the phenomenon. Territorial migration, regardless of the period we would refer to, has always taken place at various degrees of intensity and has had various motivations. Why do people migrate in a given territory? Who or what determines them to travel, what is the distance and how long does it take them to travel? What changes in the lives of individuals and of the community will take place as a result of these travels? The set of issues the phenomenon of migration raises is as broad as the approaches to these issues.
Studierea fenomenului migratiei nu este de data recenta. Acesta a intrat in atentia cercetatorilor apartinand unor domenii diverse (demografie, geografie, economie, sociologie), fiecare analizandu-l din perspective diferite, elaborand scheme si teorii care incearca sa explice mecanismul fenomenului. Indiferent de perioada la care ne-am referi, deplasarile in teritoriu s-au realizat intotdeauna avand insa intensitati diferite si motivatii variate. De ce deplaseaaa oamenii in teritoriu ? Cine sau ce le influenteaza decizia de a se deplasa si pe ce distanta si durata ? Ce schimbari in viata personala a indivizilor si in cea a comunitatii din care fac parte vor avea loc in urma acestor deplasari ? Sfera problemelor pe care le ridica fenomenul migratiei este larga, asa cum si perspectivele de explicare a acestora sunt variate.
Cuvinte cheie:
Mobilitate sociala, mobilitate teritoriala, migratie, calitatea vietii, strategie de viata.
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