Abordari, modele, teorii privind fenomenul brain drain
Simona Ionela STANICA
Lumen, 2007
Cod 1584-5397-19-5
Dimensiuni pp. 61-98, Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, Vol. 19/2007
The article intends to present different approaches, models, theories that explain and analyse the brain drain phenomenon, as well as the gains and losses of this phenomenon from the interaction point of view between the source countries, the destination countries and migrants themselves.
Brain drain, international migration, highly skilled labour migration, theories of international migration, approaches of the brain drain phenomenon.
Comentarii: Articolul isi propune sa prezinte diferitele abordari, modele, teorii care explica si analizeaza fenomenul brain drain, precum si avantajele si dezavantajele acestui fenomen din punct de vedere al interactiunii dintre tarile de origine, tarile de destinatie si migrantii insisi.
Cuvinte cheie: exodul creierelor, migratia internationala, migratia fortei de munca inalt calificate, teorii ale migratiei internationale, abordari ale fenomenului brain drain.
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