Innovatory Employment in Social Economy: Busting Social Entrepreneurship versus Regulating Social Insertion Enterprises
Simona Maria STANESCU
Cod: ISSN: 1583-3410 (print), ISSN: 1584-5397 (electronic)
Dimensiuni: pp. 142-154
How to cite this article:Stanescu, S.M. (2013). Innovatory Employment in Social Economy: Busting Social Entrepreneurship versus Regulating Social Insertion Enterprises.Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala ,43, 142-154. |
Social economy is a recent subject of interest for public agenda mainly due to its capacity to support sustainable jobs especially but not exclusively for vulnerable people. The paper explores the profile of Romanian social entrepreneurs with a particular attention paid to social economy area. The research hypothesis is that the empowerment of vulnerable people towards social economy through entrepreneurship is rather an exception than a general sustainable employment solution. The second research hypothesis is that the employment of vulnerable people in social economy area is supported by social insertion enterprises rather than social enterprises. The first part of the paper is focused on international and national regulations as well as institutional framework with an impact on social economy and vulnerable groups. The second part of the paper explores the profile of Romanian entrepreneurs from an international comparative perspective. The third part of the paper assesses outputs of the European Social Fund (ESF) financed projects towards employment of vulnerable people. As methodology, the article is based on desk research on international and national regulations, primary and secondary analysis of EUROSTAT 2000-2012 Eurobarometer databases, and the database of Romanian volumes dedicated to social economy research. Our forecast is that successful implementation of ESF financed projects, especially priority axis 6 “Promoting social inclusion”, main domain of intervention 6.1. Development of social economy depends on the ex-ante assessment of employability of vulnerable groups both as entrepreneurs and employees in social enterprises.
social economy; entrepreneurship; social enterprises; social insertion enterprises; vulnerable people.
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