Adjusting Locally to a World under Ubiquitous Surveillance
Cod: ISSN: 1583-3410 (print), ISSN: 1584-5397 (electronic)
Dimensiuni: pp. 197-214
How to cite this article:Grunberg, L. (2013). Adjusting Locally to a World under Ubiquitous Surveillance.Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala ,43, 197-214. |
Due to unprecedented technological developments in the field of science, communication, medicine, surveillance is part of our daily life experience. The risk society of today makes ubiquitous surveillance necessary, justified and consequently omnipresent. Institutionalized risk management is the foundation of contemporary society providing the governing root of social life. In this context, not only nation, state, citizenship, identity - important tropes of modernity -are called into quest but also ‘what is local’ becomes an important issue of critical and responsible reflection. The article will map the field of Surveillance Studies, address the perverse effects of living in a depersonalized “dataveillance world” for our own safety and security, and argue for the need of a reflexive study of ubiquitous surveillance, able to better reveal, in the context of contemporary risk society, the consequences of redefining our ‘locals’.
surveillance society; information society; risk society; modernity; panopticon; synopticon; omniopticon; social sorting; local; individualization.
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