Biopsychosocial Implications Related to the Breast Cancer in Young Women
Corneliu DIACONU, Laura MAXIM, Daniel TIMOFTE,
Roxana Maria LIVADARIU
Cod: ISSN: 1583-3410 (print), ISSN: 1584-5397 (electronic)
Dimensiuni: pp. 152-161
How to cite this article:Diaconu, C., Maxim, L, Timofte, D., Livadariu, R.M. (2014). Biopsychosocial Implications Related to the Breast Cancer in Young Women. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 46, 152-161. |
Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer that affects women. Its
aggressiveness depends mainly on the patient’s age, on the tumor size and on the
axillary lymph nodes status. The prognosis is the most unfavourable in the case of
women under 35 years old, because they develop loco-regional and distant recurrence
of the disease earlier than the older patients. Moreover, they usually are
diagnosed in advanced stages of the disease. Considering all these aspects, the
purpose of our study is to identify and analyse the biological, psychological and
socio-economic implications of breast cancer, in the case of the Romanian young
women. In order to reach this objective, we have conducted an empirical research
on 42 female patients with breast cancer, aged between 26 and 45 years, hospitalized
and operated by the same surgical team, between 2010 and 2013. Our
results demonstrate that the early detection of breast cancer has multiple benefits,
not only from the medical point of view, but also from the psychological and
socio-economic perspectives. We noticed that young women diagnosed with
breast cancer in early stages have a reduced scale of surgery, which involves a
shorter period of hospitalization and a lower cost of treatment, a better life
prognosis and a satisfactory psychological comfort, resulting in rapid social and
familial reintegration.
breast cancer, young women, biological consequences, psychological impact, socio-economic implications.
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to the Breast Cancer in Young Women
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