Modele de interventie in asistenta sociala a parintilor adolescenti
Elena Petronela Serban
Lumen, 2006
Cod CED: 1584-5397-13-03
Dimensiuni pp. 37-53, Revista de cercetare si interventie sociala, vol.13/2006
The range of problems raised by the phenomenon of teenager parents is very complex, the difficulties and the risks being all bigger as the parents are younger. Aside the reasons and the consequences, this phenomenon represents a social reality, which can not be ignored. Under the circumstances in which the prevention of parenthood with the adolescents is not longer possible, the team of specialists will interfere, given the fact that neither the best equipped institution nor the best educated family would be any more suitable than the biological family. And the current law framework in the field of child protection emphasizes the social assistance and the support for the young parents with the purpose of maintaining the unity of the family. For the raising of the efficiency of the support process for the adolescents parents, I propose three models of specialized intervention and these are: the appreciative survey, the counseling for the couple and
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