Diferente intre abordarea centrata pe problema si ancheta apreciativa. Studiu de caz
Cristina Lahman
Lumen, 2006
Cod CED: 1584-5397-13-10
Dimensiuni pp.182-188, Revista de cercetare si interventie sociala, vol.13/2006
We can talk about social politics in Child Protection without talking about protection and assistance to the child family. From a multitude of cases I choose two with similar problems, and then reveal to them the approach "intervention methods" techniques. The decision in the first case was of usage of research-action technique because the need for service providers’ jumps “off-the-scale” and other approach was rejected. In the second case after debriefing and creation of a Trusted Relationship, I choose estimation technique for research and intervention, willing to take responsibility of her decisions.
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