The Impact of the Great Recession on Social Spending in Romania
Emilia TITAN, Adrian OTOIU, Daniela MANEA
Cod: ISSN: 1583-3410 (print), ISSN: 1584-5397 (electronic)
Dimensiuni: pp. 32-43
How to cite this article:Titan, E., Otoiu, A., Manea, D. (2014). The Impact of the Great Recession on Social Spending in Romania. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 47, 32-43. |
The paper attempts to do a comprehensive analysis on how spending patterns
were affected by the most severe economic crisis since the oil shocks in the 70’s.
We have attempted to see which services have been significantly affected by the
crisis, and whether social spending has risen and managed to counter the effects
of the crisis. We have found that, despite generalized increase in social spending,
the crisis had no major impact for some important social spending categories.
Social protection revenue has increased and matched to a good extent social
protection spending, which was also affected by a strong increase in the cohorts
reaching retirement age. We also found that, contrary to other literature findings,
spending on social services was countercyclical, increasing in the first years of
the crisis, and declined afterwards. There is evidence that social spending managed
to sustain a decrease in poverty and inequality during the crisis.
crisis, social services, Romania, social protection expenditures.
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Spending in Romania
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