Do Friendship and Intimacy in Virtual Communications Exist? An Investigation of Online Friendship and Intimacy in the Context of Hidden Youth in Hong Kong
Gloria Hong-Yee CHAN, T. Wing LO
Cod: ISSN: 1583-3410 (print), ISSN: 1584-5397 (electronic)
Dimensiuni: pp. 117-136
How to cite this article:Gloria Hong-Yee CHAN, G.H.Y. LO, T.W. (2014). Do friendship and intimacy in virtual communications exist? An investigation of online friendship and intimacy in the context of hidden youth in Hong Kong. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 47, 117-136. |
This study uses “hidden youth” in Hong Kong as an example to investigate
whether online friendship and virtual intimacy are present because these young
people are commonly viewed as “socially isolated” and “lacking in social skills”
but actually involve in extended Internet use to engage in social interactions.
Using the data from 357 hidden youth participants, a paired t-test was performed
to look for the significant differences in friendship quality and intimacy between
online and offline interactions in different levels of friendship. Results show that
the friendship quality of offline relationships is generally slightly higher than that
of online relationships, while online friendships display a generally higher intimacy
level than the offline relationships. This reflects the fact that friendship and
intimacy can be developed in the virtual platform and are similar to the traditional
interpersonal relationships.
hidden youth, friendship quality, intimacy, online and offline, virtual communication.
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