Chronic Diseases – Medical and Social Aspects
Mihai ROCA, Ovidiu MITU, Iulia-Cristina ROCA, Florin MITU
Cod: ISSN: 1583-3410 (print), ISSN: 1584-5397 (electronic)
Dimensiuni: pp. 257-275
How to cite this article:Roca, M., Mitu, O., Roca, I.C., Mitu, F. (2015). Chronic Diseases – Medical and Social Aspects. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 49, 257-275. |
Chronic diseases result in an enormous burden of morbidity and mortality
worldwide, projected to continuously increase over the next decades. Cardiovascular
diseases, followed by cancers, chronic respiratory diseases and diabetes
mellitus, represent the main causes of death caused by chronic conditions. The
majority of chronic diseases are multifactor disorders, the main etiological role
being played by various behavioral or environmental risk factors. Social factors
such as education, employment status, income, familial and social stress have
also a major role in determining chronic diseases, both directly and indirectly, by
increasing the susceptibility to behavioral risk factors. Chronic pathology results
in chronic symptoms which dramatically impairs the patient quality of life and
working capacity, also resulting in a significant social and economic burden.
Social problems develop with the progressive exercise capacity alteration, resulting
in limited mobility, home-bounding, self-care disability and bed-bounding,
the ultimate consequences being social isolation, family conflicts and even stigma.
Chronic diseases prevention focuses on behavioral risk modifying, mainly implying
specific social interventions, as long as most behavioral risk factors are
represented by socially mediated activities. Considering the magnitude of the
problems currently determined by chronic diseases, a coherent strategy for the
management of these conditions, should be a high priority at both levels of society
and health care systems. This strategy must provide an efficient risk control, the
optimal medical care for the patient, by applying a holistic patient–centered
approach, and specific social assistance.
chronic disease, comorbidity, risk factor, social burden, social intervention, global health strategy.
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