Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala

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An Assessment of Individual and Technological Factors for Computing Validation: Motivation and Social Processes

An Assessment of Individual and Technological Factors for Computing Validation: Motivation and Social Processes


Tzong-Song WANG, Sheng-Wen HSIEH

Cod: ISSN: 1583-3410 (print), ISSN: 1584-5397 (electronic)
Dimensiuni: pp. 156-171

How to cite this article:

Wang, T.S., Hsieh, S.W. (2015). An Assessment of Individual and Technological Factors for Computing Validation: Motivation and Social Processes. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 50, 156-171.


This study identified the attitudes toward using computers and Web-based technology as measured by the Computer attitude scale (CAS) and the Web-based attitude scale (WAS). Also this study examined individual and technological factors which determine learner levels of anticipation to adopt Web-based learning technology in postsecondary education. A conceptual and modified model that was an extension of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), TAM2, and Webbased Instruction (WBI) provided the theory and design for the study. Data were analyzed through two-way MANOVA to decipher learner behaviors related to adopting Web-based learning technology in postsecondary education. A combination of behavioral and psychometric questionnaires consisting of TAM perceptions, computer attitude scales, Web-based attitude scales, and demographic information was created. Results in this research noted that prior computing experiences had significant correlations between the CAS and the WAS. Perceptions of usefulness and ease of use, intentions to use for supplementary learning and distance education had significant relationships based on CAS and WAS. The study suggested that the TAM assessment process may be potentially valuable in teacher candidate assessment and recruitment, with an eye to increasing the pace of online resource diffusion. The aim is to model and predict the learner behavior and to assess the motivation of computing identification for some technological factors. Knowledge of social change process, as it synthesizes motivations and beliefs with technological innovations, is necessary for leaders who seek to build a better world through using technology in education.


virtual learning, technology acceptance model, web-based learning, education, computing, motivation.

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