Cadrul national privind ocuparea fortei de munca
Otilia Alina Lupu
Lumen, 2006
Cod CED: 1584-5397-14(03)
Dimensiuni pp. 453, Revista de cercetare si interventie sociala, vol.14/2006
The economical activity needs to put together the human resources and other factors that are involved in production. If we take in attention the level of the productivity and the legal time allocated for work, we can establish the work need, that means the human resources needed for the this period of time. The work market represents the economical space that promotes the competition for the offers and requests the labor market.
Comentarii: Orice activitate economica, pentru desfasurarea ei, necesita si factorul de munca alaturi de ceilalti factori de productie. Daca se au in vedere volumul productivitatii muncii si timpul legal de munca pentru o perioada determinata, putem stabili nevoia de munca, adica forta de munca necesara pentru perioada respectiva. Piata muncii sau a fortei de munca reprezinta spatiul economic in care are loc confruntarea libera a cererii de munca cu oferta de munca.
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