Couple’s Status on Labour Market and their Attitudes towards Gender Roles
Cod: ISSN: 1583-3410 (print), ISSN: 1584-5397 (electronic)
Dimensiuni: pp. 5-22
How to cite this article:Voicu, M., Constantin, A. (2016). Couple's Status on Labour Market and their Attitudes towards Gender Roles. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 54, 7-22. |
This paper focuses on the effect of changes in couples’ employment status on
attitudes towards gender roles on the labour market, paying special attention to
how interaction between the partners’ status on labour market shapes attitudes
towards gender roles. Using data from nine successive waves of British Household
Panel we investigate how change from the traditional couple male breadwinner/
woman homemaker to other types of couple influences attitude towards gender
roles on the labour market of people living as a couple. The results point out that
the interaction between the change of respondent’s own status on labour market
and the partner’s one significantly influences attitudes towards gender roles on
labour market. Moreover, any change from the traditional breadwinner-homemaker
couple brings less support for women employment. This finding holds true
no matter the respondent’s gender.
attitudes towards gender roles, labour market, panel survey, couples, employment.
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