Parental activities seeking online parenting support: Is there a digital skill divide?
Arminda SUAREZ, Maria Jose RODRIGO, Mercedes MUNETON
Cod: ISSN: 1583-3410 (print), ISSN: 1584-5397 (electronic)
Dimensiuni: pp. 36-54
How to cite this article:Suarez, A., Rodrigo, M.J., Muneton, M. (2016). Parental activities seeking online parenting support: Is there a digital skill divide?. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 54, 36-54. |
This study examined the existence of a digital skill divide in Internet use for
parenting purposes, exploring whether child-rearing content searched, parental
skills on search practices, criteria used in the evaluation of content and satisfaction
with the results are modulated by socio-demographic factors and level of Internet
experience. Participants were 234 Spanish parents recruited through notices in
day care centers, schools and parents’ associations, who reported on these issues
through an online survey. Results showed that parents were very active in searching
for information on child-rearing issues. However, a digital skill divide can
be seen mainly by parental education, gender and age on the content searched and
perceived skills for going online. Parental age and education also shaped technical
abilities such as searching practices, criteria for evaluating websites (level of
confidence and relevance), and satisfaction with search results. In turn, level of
experience in Internet use played a more restrictive role confined to searching
practices and satisfaction with the results. The present findings may inform
initiatives of Internet literacy training applied differentially to help fathers and
mothers with low education and Internet experience levels to access higher quality,
reliable educational content. They also may provide guidelines for those who
develop websites for parents.
parental digital divide, internet use, internet skills, positive parenting.
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