A Study of Effects of Entrepreneurial Passion and Risk Appetite on Entrepreneurial Performance
Xi FANG, Liren AN
Cod: ISSN: 1583-3410 (print), ISSN: 1584-5397 (electronic)
Dimensiuni: pp. 102-113
How to cite this article:Fang, X., An, L. (2017). A Study of Effects of Entrepreneurial Passion and Risk Appetite on Entrepreneurial Performance. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 56, 102-113. |
Because of the rapid change of industrial environment in past years, the fierce
global competition hastens the emergence of entrepreneurs and increases the
proportion of new ventures annually. Under the formation of M-shaped society
and the emergence of emerging economies, domestic economic environments
change so rapidly that small and medium enterprises are facing strict challenges.
In face of fiercely competitive environments, the promotion of entrepreneurial
performance to acquire competitive advantages is a primary issue for the practical
management of entrepreneurs. Aiming at young entrepreneurs in China, the young
entrepreneurs in cross-strait youth entrepreneurship bases are surveyed in this
study. Total 200 copies of questionnaire are distributed, and 157 valid copies are
retrieved, with the retrieval rate 79%. The research results conclude that (1)
entrepreneurial passion presents significant effects on financial performance, (2)
entrepreneurial passion shows remarkable effects on non-financial performance,
(3) risk appetite reveals notable effects on financial performance, (4) risk appetite
appears significant effects on non-financial performance, (5) entrepreneurial passion
and risk appetite could remarkably promote financial performance, and (6)
entrepreneurial passion and risk appetite could notably enhance non-financial
performance. Based on the research results, suggestions are proposed to help
entrepreneurs create favourable performance and extend survive years.
entrepreneurial passion, risk appetite, entrepreneurial performance, youth entrepreneurship.
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