The Main Barriers to Insulin Treatment in Elderly Diabetic Patients: The Role of Therapeutic Education
Eosefina Gina BOTNARIU, Alina Delia POPA, Irina Elena NECHIFOR, Ileana ANTOHE
Cod: ISSN: 1583-3410 (print), ISSN: 1584-5397 (electronic)
Dimensiuni: pp. 70-78
How to cite this article:Botnariu, E.G., Popa, A.D., Nechifor, I.E., Antohe, I. (2017). The Main Barriers to Insulin Treatment in Elderly Diabetic Patients: The Role of Therapeutic Education. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 56, 70-78. |
The aim of the present study was to assess knowledge of insulin treatment and
identify the main barriers to insulin administration in an elderly population with
type 2 diabetes. This was a cross sectional study, conducted on 100 insulin treated
type 2 diabetic patients, aged 65-89 years, admitted in the Department of Diabetes,
Nutrition and Metabolic Diseases in Iasi. We collected data on the demographic
characteristics of patients and assessed through two questionnaires patients’ compliance
with insulin treatment and therapeutic knowledge. Mean duration of
diabetes was 6.79 years. Although the majority of patients (54%) declared that
they administrated insulin according to the scheduled prescribed, 40% of subjects
sometimes delayed the injection and 6% of them frequently retarded the administration
of insulin; 22% of patients stated that they seldom forgot to administer
insulin and 4% interrupted it for a longer period. Only 16% of patients felt
embarrassed to administrate insulin in public. Low adherence of elderly patients
to insulin treatment is determined by psychological, social and cognitive factors.
Elderly diabetic patients require a greater number of hours for therapeutic education,
especially those who have low skills in insulin‘s injection.
diabetes, education, insulin therapy, adherence, psychological factors.
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