Connection between Alcohol Consumption and Aggression in a Population of Romanian Students
Mihail Cristian PIRLOG, Dragos Ovidiu ALEXANDRU, Anamaria CIUBARA,
Mihai MUTICA, Sorin CAZACU, Daniela-Gabriela GLAVAN
Cod: ISSN: 1583-3410 (print), ISSN: 1584-5397 (electronic)
Dimensiuni: pp. 81-99
How to cite this article:Pirlog, M.C., Alexandru, D.O., Ciubara, A.M., Mutica, M., Cazacu, S., Glavan, D.G. (2017). Connection between Alcohol Consumption and Aggression in a Population of Romanian Students. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 58, 81-99. |
Nowadays there is global concern regarding the connection between alcohol
consumption and aggressive behavior among young individuals. The aim of the
present study is to examine if there is a direct link between increased alcohol
intake and increased aggression among Romanian students. On a sample comprised
of 772 Romanian students, were measured socio-demographic and economic
data, information about family environment, assessment of health risk
behavior and the level of aggression using Buss-Perry Aggression Questionnaire
(BPAQ). The Chi square test (χ2), Goodman and Kruskal's gamma test, and
multinomial logistic regression were used for statistical analysis, which led to
proving the existence of a direct association between aggression and patterns and
frequency of drinking. Patterns of drinking are significantly influenced by gender,
smoking, time spent in clubs and restaurants, and physical abuse by parents
during childhood. Alcohol abuse represents a factor more specific to men, influenced
by low parental control and domestic violence. Social-cultural life led to
benefits over level of aggressive behavior. For population of the Romanian students
analyzed, the alcohol intake and level of aggression are directly connected.
alcohol abuse, aggression, Romanian students, domestic violence, leisure time.
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