The Social Meaning of Death and its Implications for Organ Procurement
Ingrith MIRON, Liviu OPREA
Cod: ISSN: 1583-3410 (print), ISSN: 1584-5397 (electronic)
Dimensiuni: pp. 221-232
How to cite this article:Gavrilovici, C., Starcea, M., Hiriscau, I., Miron, I., Oprea, L. (2017). The Social Meaning of Death and Its Implications for Organ Procurement. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 58, 221-232. |
Today, the protocols for “donation after cardiac death” allow clinicians to
harvest viable vital organs as soon as cardiopulmonary arrest is deemed to be
irreversible, typically several minutes after diagnosing a loss of circulatory and
respiratory function. Although these patients are not brain dead, the irreversibility
of circulatory death make these patients suitable donors for organ donation,
provided that organ harvesting will take place as soon as possible. In the neurologic
definition of death, a person is dead when the whole-brain is dead. The
continued circulation of blood helps to prevent the organs from deteriorating,
making this method superior. Brain dead patients still display some residual
functions of life, making non-health professionals wondering if they are really
dead. However, the brain death criteria focus on an event, which can be precisely
timed and detected with enough certainty to justify an irrevocable action, such as
organ procuring. In this paper we analyze two concepts that surrounds death, both
with important implications for the society in general and health professionals in
particular: “irreversibility” – specifically related to the traditional definition of
death (the cardio-pulmonary definition) and “personhood” – especially related to
neurologic criteria of death (the brain death definition).
death, brain death, organ procurement, definition of death, transplantation, donation after circulatory death, organ procurement.
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