Depression and Deficiencies of Intimacy and Community Integration in Older Patients
Maria Raluca RADU, Roxana CHIRITA, Cozmin MIHAI, Lucian Constantin PAZIUC
Cod: ISSN: 1583-3410 (print), ISSN: 1584-5397 (electronic)
Dimensiuni: pp. 32-43
How to cite this article:Radu, M.R., Chirita, R., Mihai, C., Paziuc, L.C. (2018). Depression and Deficiencies of Intimacy and Community Integration in Older Patients. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 61, 32-43. |
Patients with depressive disorder may exhibit similar clinical symptoms, but
their personal descriptors can be sometimes quite diff erent in terms of existential
expectations, basic needs, and motivational structure. And while it is true that
medication can be widely used to treat same therapeutic class in order to restore
neurotransmitter homeostasis, psychotherapy approach must take into account all
the symptoms which are unique for each individual. In this regard, our expertise
has emphasized two major needs to point out a patient with depressive disorder’s
response to therapy: the need for community integration, and the need for intimacy.
We aim to demonstrate the fi nding that introverts (defi ned by a greater need
for intimacy) tend to react better to individual therapy as opposed to extroverts
(defi ned by a greater need for community integration) who tend to prefer group
depression, intimacy, community, individual psychotherapy, group psychotherapy.
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