Research on the Relationship between Organization Culture and Its Justice in the Health Profession
Servet KAYA, Hilmet SECIM
Cod: ISSN: 1583-3410 (print), ISSN: 1584-5397 (electronic)
Dimensiuni: pp. 77-90
How to cite this article:Kaya, S., Secim, H. (2018). Research on the Relationship between Organization Culture and Its Justice in the Health Profession. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 61, 77-90. |
To realize the potential benefi ts from looking at the relationship between an
organization’s culture and its justice in the health profession, inputs need to be
decided up and then measured. While various inputs could be considered, the
people who work within the organization, the human assets are perhaps the most
essential factor to consider even though this element is capricious. Examination
into the relationship under study recognizes that an organization’s culture, along
with its internal justice is two components that empower representative fulfi llment.
Upon recognizing this, exploration has been underway in these territories as
two separate fi elds of study which have produced few results. Therefore, the
interrelation between culture and justice remains obscure, particularly in the
ways these two impact each other in the machinations of the organization. One
study produced some data by using a cross-section of 223 wellbeing laborers at
a Malatya, Turkey open clinic. The study explored connections between culture
and justice within the organization from May 2016 to June 2016. With twenty
being the highest score possible in this particular study, the mean score for the
organization’s culture was 11.4 ± 2.3 and their justice mean score was 14.0 ± 4.8.
Relationship examination demonstrated all areas of the organization’s culture
had measurably critical positive relationships with areas of the organization’s
justice (0.434 ≤ r ≤ 0.636), except for the force space. The study found a positive
relationship between the justice scores and the scores of general society. However,
connections between them are moderate, indicating diff erent elements can greatly
impact fi nal determinations. This fi nding suggests that even though it might be
helpful for supervisors to use hierarchical society as a way to measure or modify
the culture within their organization, this measurement or comparison should not
be overly depended upon.
organizational behavior, organizational culture, organizational justice, human resources management, employee perception.
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