Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala

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Personalitatea migrantului roman si copiii abandonati (11)

Personalitatea migrantului roman si copiii abandonati


Vasile Miftode


Lumen, 2006

Cod CED: 1584-5397-15(11)
Dimensiuni pp. 121-137, Revista de cercetare si interventie sociala, vol.15/2006


The personality of the Romanian migrant and the destiny of abandoned children. An empirical, factual analysis of the groups of Romanian emigrants offers us the possibility to identify several social categories and, first of all, the diversity of types of personality that mark the nature of the effects into the origin area and, at the same time, into the host area. The most numerous category of Romanian emigrants with a significant impact on the origin communities, including the semi-abandoned children, is that of the nostalgic unable to optimally integrate into the host country, despite the efforts the make there to (they visit the country periodically, bring their children and take them to the school of the community they work in, they make connections with the local population etc.).