Relations among Education & Training, Job Involvement, and Organizational Commitment of Volunteers in Government Departments
Ling-Chuan HUANG, Chao-Yang HUNG, Ping-Fu HSU
Cod: ISSN: 1583-3410 (print), ISSN: 1584-5397 (electronic)
Dimensiuni: pp. 22-31
How to cite this article:Huang, L.C., Hung, C.Y., Hsu, P.F. (2020). Relations among Education & Training, Job Involvement, and Organizational Commitment of Volunteers in Government Departments. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 68, 22-31. DOI: 10.33788/rcis.68.2
Volunteer service is an important indicator for modern countries. Government agencies have positively applied volunteers to assist in the promotion of businesses in past years. Volunteers are active in public sector organizations, and people, due to the effects of recession and frequent disasters, start to present the demand for the quality of service provided by public sectors. When social resources are reduced, relative resources must be effectively applied. For this reason, the government and people show higher demands for the quality of volunteer service to have government departments emphasize the service quality effectiveness and people’s rights. Aiming at volunteer supervisors and volunteers in government departments in southern Taiwan, total 600 copies of questionnaire are distributed for this study, and 476 valid copies are retrieved, with the retrieval rate 79%. The research results reveal positive and significant effects of & training on job involvement, 2.job involvement on organizational commitment, and & training on organizational commitment. Finally, according to the results, suggestions are proposed, expecting to help government departments show good training systems, train volunteers meeting the requirements for government departments, reduce the turnover, and enhance the job involvement and organizational commitment to smoothen the service and improve the volunteers’ attitudes.
government department, volunteer education, education & training, job involvement, organizational commitment, social welfare, health care, social resources.
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